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 Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium.

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Number of posts : 178
Age : 27
Location : Hamburg, Germany
Registration date : 2016-08-19

Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium. Empty
PostSubject: Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium.   Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium. Icon_minitimeFri Nov 13, 2020 5:43 pm

In October I visited the nursery de Herdt in Rijkevorsel, Belgium, close to Antwerpen. After I have seen some pictures how the nursery looked 10 years ago I had high hopes, then I saw some pictures how it looks now and my  mission turned into saving some old Lau plants from dying. I was able to buy 15 old plants all with labels and most of them with known origin. I will show them in spring after I have taken care of them and some of them hopefully already flower. The price of 50 euros for 15 old plants was regarding to the size and age of the plants a good catch.

Most of the plants in the nursery have been moved to nearby cacti collection to be sold from there, cause all of the plants in greenhouse have to be moved out before winter. The private cacti collection should be max. just 30min from the nursery. Anyways I didn’t have that much time on that day and I was just taking a look in the actual nursery.
Here are some pictures how it looks now. I tried to photograph every Mammillaria. Hopefully there are some cacti friends out there, who are  capable of saving some of these old plants.

Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium. 8c55b710Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium. Ed695510

Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium. E615b110Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium. 7e062810

Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium. 0093c610Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium. E26c1610

Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium. 530f8810Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium. D1949110

Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium. E9e8dd10Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium. 1de8ca10

Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium. 45d34410Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium. E79e7910

Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium. 4a87c210Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium. 90dc4410

Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium. 0f70ff10Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium. 2136a810

Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium. 09d85910Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium. 24ded210

Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium. A90d9010Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium. 9e3ef010
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Last chance to visit the de Herdt Nursery in Rijkevorsel, Belgium.
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