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 Mammillaria huntiana spec nova.

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Number of posts : 1872
Age : 81
Location : Chinnor, UK
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Mammillaria huntiana spec nova. Empty
PostSubject: Mammillaria huntiana spec nova.   Mammillaria huntiana spec nova. Icon_minitimeThu Jun 12, 2014 9:14 pm

In the May 2014 issue of the Journal of the Mammillaria Society, Dr Lex Garcia Morales of the University of Tamaulipas described a new species from the mountain west of Ciudad Victoria in Tamaulipas state.

He compares this new species to M. winterae ssp. aramberri, otherwise known as M. crassimammillis, and M. roseoalba. It comes from a very limited distribution in the mountains near Altas Cumbres. The flower colour is variable, from yellow through to pink, as can be seen.

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Mammillaria huntiana spec nova. Huntia10

Mammillaria huntiana spec nova. Huntia11

Mammillaria huntiana spec nova. Huntia12
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Mammillaria huntiana spec nova.
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