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 Mammillaria spec Machuca

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Mammillaria spec Machuca Empty
PostSubject: Mammillaria spec Machuca   Mammillaria spec Machuca Icon_minitimeFri May 01, 2009 9:57 am

In my collection I have seedlings grown from seed from Koehres with the name of Mammillaria spec Machuca. It is now in flower. Though the plants looks a bit like M senilis flowers are completely different. Any ideas on its identity?


Mammillaria spec Machuca Dscf5246a

Mammillaria spec Machuca Dsc004901
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Mammillaria spec Machuca Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mammillaria spec Machuca   Mammillaria spec Machuca Icon_minitimeFri May 01, 2009 8:44 pm

I believe it is Mammillaria manana (species discovered by Fitzmaurice). My two M. manana are similar to your ones.
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Mammillaria spec Machuca Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mammillaria spec Machuca   Mammillaria spec Machuca Icon_minitimeFri May 01, 2009 8:52 pm

Have a look on under the name manana, discribed by the FitzMaurices, but found by Mr. Machuca.
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Mammillaria spec Machuca Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mammillaria spec Machuca   Mammillaria spec Machuca Icon_minitimeFri May 01, 2009 9:06 pm


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Number of posts : 1872
Age : 81
Location : Chinnor, UK
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Mammillaria spec Machuca Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mammillaria spec Machuca   Mammillaria spec Machuca Icon_minitimeFri May 01, 2009 10:07 pm

Yes, I believe that the Fitz Maurices published the plant under the name of machucae, and then realised that they had described the wrong plant so did it again, this time under the name of manana.
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Mammillaria spec Machuca Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mammillaria spec Machuca   Mammillaria spec Machuca Icon_minitimeSat May 02, 2009 8:44 am

M.manana was described by the fitz Maurice's in the British Cactus and Succulent Society Jounal, March 2006, page 7.

It was found by Antonio Machuca south of Laguna Chapala, in the state of Jalisco and is a member of the Stylothele, M.crinita group.

Hunt places it under M.fittkaui limonensis.
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Mammillaria spec Machuca Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mammillaria spec Machuca   Mammillaria spec Machuca Icon_minitimeSat May 02, 2009 9:58 pm

Thanks to the name I found the article in CactusWorld (did not yet read it). It might be self-fertile so I tried to self-pollinate it.

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Number of posts : 1872
Age : 81
Location : Chinnor, UK
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Mammillaria spec Machuca Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mammillaria spec Machuca   Mammillaria spec Machuca Icon_minitimeSun May 03, 2009 12:40 am

The pure white spined plant that mostly is the one in cultivation doesn't seem much like limonensis. However, it seems that there are other, darker spined forms as Hugo showed in this thread manana TL877.
So I think that there i smore to be learned yet about this species.
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Mammillaria spec Machuca Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mammillaria spec Machuca   Mammillaria spec Machuca Icon_minitimeSun May 03, 2009 10:46 am

I would agreed with you that M.manana is nothing like either fittkaui or limonensis, which the Fitz-Maurice's maintain are both valid species. I have grown all three from seed and they are different from each other.
The Fitz-Maurice's use the term ' M.fittkaui complex ' which may better difine these three plants relationship.
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PostSubject: Re: Mammillaria spec Machuca   Mammillaria spec Machuca Icon_minitime

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Mammillaria spec Machuca
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