I've hestitated about posting this, but I finally decided that while this is a promotion, it might be worthwhile to bring it to the attention of this particular group.
The Mammillaria Society has recently celebrated its 50th Year. To mark this, we have undertaken a project to convert all our Journals from the very first to the last issue of 2010 onto DVD as searchable pdf files. We are providing these in two Sets, one pdf covering the first 25 years, the second covering the next 25 years. They are also available as a complete set.
Not only are there many articles of interest, but they provide a fascinating historical insight into the discovery and development of the genus as we know it today.
The DVD is available to non-members, although it is slightly benefitical to actually join the Society and then to take advantage of the Members' Offer price, which will last until the end of May.
Go to our website for more details - link above.