Mr. Chris Davies about Mammillaria abracelaya:
I am pretty sure that this is what Reppenhagen called M. vallensis v. brevispina, which was also collected at Abra Celaja. If this dates from 1983, it is quite likely that Uhlig received plants and/or seed from Reppenhagen before he named the species. I think it was described for the first time in his 1988 book, where he gave it his number 1119. Around that time Koehres listed a lot of seed with names such as M. sp + place name, and then later as M. sp and Rep number. So M. sp. Rep 1119 Abra Celag is still lsted today (the spelling is obviously wrong).
Mr. Wolter ten Hoeve about Mammillaria abracelaya
Just south of Ciudad Mante there are two villages, El Abra and Celaya (with y, not j), which are about 10 km apart. I expect that Repp 1119 comes from the region along the road between these two villages.
For his Repp 1117, Reppenhagen writes Abra Valles as location. This probably means that the location is somewhere along the road between El Abra and Ciudad Valles.
body: simple 30mm high x 50mm wide
tubercles: conic, 9mm high x 8mm wide
axils: naked or with a trace of wool and an occasional bristle
central spines: 1-2, mainly 1, 10-25mm long, recurved, yellow below shading to brown at the tip
radial spines: 7, uppers 2mm remainder 4-7mm long, white tipped brown
flowers: 10-12mm wide, purplish pink, stigma lobes pink
fruit: clavate, 17mm long x 5mm wide, purplish red
seeds: brown
Mammillaria abracelaya
Abracelaya is the name of the village where this plant was found - Tamaulipas - Mexico