For one reason or another I have not been able to get on to the forum until this weekend and thought an end of month update would be of interest . I have spent a lot of time moving the seedlings that were raised from the 2006-2007 seed sowing into polystrene trays. You may remember that I had pricked out these seedlings into plastic modular cells 25mm x 25mm. Unfortunatly the compost was drying out to quickly and has a result was falling out of the drainage hole in the bottom just leaving the roots, so I deicided to move them into the polystrene trays ( See below )
On the flower front ; there has not been that much in flower in the last month. The sky has been over cast and we have had a lot of rain. A number of plants have buds but have been holding back waitting for some sunny days. Plants that have flowered I have missed taking photograph these include magnifica ML 238 and a number of members of the Ancistracanthae, which are only starting to flower now for me.
I have also started pricking out the seedlings ( where large eought to handle ) from the 2007 - 2008 seed sowings. The last batch of 54 packets of seed from Piltz will be sowed to day and that will be it then until xmas again. I have been very pleased with the Piltz seed. Already I have sown 59 packets of seed from Piltz, out of which only 5 have failed to germinate, many many of the pots have produced excellent germination results.
On the flower front ;- I have not had much flowers in the last month due to the over cast sky and the heavy rain we have had to put up with. Many of the plants do have flower buds but have been holding on the them waitting for more sunny days. What flowers that have come out I have missed photographing, these include M.magnifica ML 238 and many members of the Ancistracanthae.