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 Rooting offsets of Mammillaria bertholdii

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Number of posts : 1872
Age : 81
Location : Chinnor, UK
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Rooting offsets of Mammillaria  bertholdii Empty
PostSubject: Rooting offsets of Mammillaria bertholdii   Rooting offsets of Mammillaria  bertholdii Icon_minitimeSat Nov 16, 2019 1:11 pm

I have two grafted plants of M. bertholdii which have produced quite a few offsets. I'd like to cut some of these off, and root them down in the Spring. Has anyone had experience of doing this? Is it easy, difficult, fast, slow, impossible??
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Rooting offsets of Mammillaria  bertholdii Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rooting offsets of Mammillaria bertholdii   Rooting offsets of Mammillaria  bertholdii Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2020 11:12 am

Hi Chris
I have not tried this species but theresae cuttings root very easily for me. I found good rooting with a watering - drying out completely - watering again cycle. Then, not moving them until the following year by which time they have well established strong roots. Moving earlier did not work so well.
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Rooting offsets of Mammillaria bertholdii
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