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 Cactus under carbonate 8

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2 posters


Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate 8  Empty
PostSubject: Cactus under carbonate 8    Cactus under carbonate 8  Icon_minitimeSat Nov 19, 2016 1:11 pm

Hello everyone!
"Wither flowers, withers the grass."
Ends bloom bokasanas and schiedeana.
The rest - a lull.

M. albata sanciro
Cactus under carbonate 8  M_alba10

M. bocasana roseiflora
Cactus under carbonate 8  M_boc_10

M. microhelia
Cactus under carbonate 8  M_micr12

M. prolifera
Cactus under carbonate 8  M_prol14

M. prolifera
Cactus under carbonate 8  M_prol13

M. prolifera
Cactus under carbonate 8  M_prol12

M. prolifera Bexar Co.
Cactus under carbonate 8  M_prol10

M. prolifera SB 1577
Cactus under carbonate 8  M_prol11

C. longicornis
Cactus under carbonate 8  C_long10

C. longicornis
Cactus under carbonate 8  C_long11

C. longicornis

Cactus under carbonate 8  C_long12

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Number of posts : 1872
Age : 81
Location : Chinnor, UK
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Cactus under carbonate 8  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate 8    Cactus under carbonate 8  Icon_minitimeSat Nov 19, 2016 5:58 pm

Great young plants! All look very healthy and very well grown.
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate 8  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate 8    Cactus under carbonate 8  Icon_minitimeSat Nov 19, 2016 10:36 pm

Hello, Chris.
I am pleased to read your message.
With mammillaria all clear  Smile , but coryphantha grows slowly.
Coryphantha need to sow in the 80s. Today would have bloomed.
Like this.
Archive 2005.

Cactus under carbonate 8  Coryph10

Cactus under carbonate 8  P1010010

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Number of posts : 1872
Age : 81
Location : Chinnor, UK
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Cactus under carbonate 8  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate 8    Cactus under carbonate 8  Icon_minitimeSun Nov 20, 2016 11:53 am

I have about 30 species of Coryphantha, but as you say the seedlings grow slowly. I have been told by a well known grower of Coryphantha here in the UK, that they need a lot of room for roots. I didn't understand why until I visited Mexico and saw a number of Coryphantha species in habitat. Unlike most Mammillarias (which like to grow in rocky places), Coryphanthas seem to like to grow in more open, flat areas, often with quite a lot of grassy around.
These are generalisations, of course, but when I next repot my plants, I will give them good room for root growth.
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate 8  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate 8    Cactus under carbonate 8  Icon_minitimeSun Nov 20, 2016 3:52 pm

Hello, Chris.
Your mexican observations are very interesting.
I often visit the canyon near the town. I am watching local xerophytic flora. I tried to reproduce the soil cut. Almost all of the pots I 9x9x10 cm. Mineral mixture slightly acidic ancient igneous rocks.  Arrow
I propose another topic for discussion.
For example: photo, soil, pots, film or sky, observation.
Archive 2012.

m. hahniana
Cactus under carbonate 8  Pa312011

m. sanchez-mejoradae
Cactus under carbonate 8  Img_0010

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Number of posts : 1872
Age : 81
Location : Chinnor, UK
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Cactus under carbonate 8  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate 8    Cactus under carbonate 8  Icon_minitimeSun Nov 20, 2016 5:34 pm

Very interesting that you use some mossy stuff around the M. sanchez-mejoradae. They grow in mossy pockets in habitat. Way to go!
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate 8  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate 8    Cactus under carbonate 8  Icon_minitimeSun Nov 20, 2016 7:01 pm


On the last picture mammillarii roots embedded in the vertical sections of turf taken in a rocky ravine.
Together with gravel, decomposed moss and lichen on top. (+ Beetles and other animals).
It is believed that mosses and lichens are pioneers in the formation of primary soils on rocks. I wanted to observe in the culture.
During the season, the lichens died - probably dry wintering they were not approached. First you need to learn how to grow moss, and then take on the cacti. Embarassed

In the ravine.
Cactus under carbonate 8  P1011510

On top of the cliff.
Cactus under carbonate 8  P1011610

Average humidity place.
Cactus under carbonate 8  P1011611

Very Happy And for a nearby rock grew endemic species of ferns. Laughing .
But we are moving farther away from mammillaria. Embarassed .
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PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate 8    Cactus under carbonate 8  Icon_minitime

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