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 Cactus under carbonate 12

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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate 12 Empty
PostSubject: Cactus under carbonate 12   Cactus under carbonate 12 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 31, 2016 12:16 am

Hello everybody!

M. varieaculeata FO 170 (930.7-varieaculeata FO-170 very long sharp spines)
Cactus under carbonate 12 M_vari14

M. varieaculeata FO 170
Cactus under carbonate 12 M_vari15

M. varieaculeata ML 195 (930.6-varieaculeata ML195 Calipan, Pue, very long curly centrals)
Cactus under carbonate 12 M_vari16

M. varieaculeata ML 195
Cactus under carbonate 12 M_vari17

How much for the tag, I got these cacti under a different name.
My doubts were dispelled mammillariamaniac. He suggested M. carnea.
Cactus under carbonate 12 P1010037

Cactus under carbonate 12 P1010036

For my part I could not find anything.
Maybe someone has an idea?
Cactus under carbonate 12 P1010038

Cactus under carbonate 12 Img_5510

Summer rains washed away part of the fluff. Or the wind.
Cactus under carbonate 12 Img_5710

Cactus under carbonate 12 Img_5711

I want to congratulate all of the
NEW YEAR.  santa

Cactus under carbonate 12 Img_7111

Cactus under carbonate 12 Img_7110

I almost reached the canyon, the machine jammed.
Once pushed, they did not dare to go further.  Smile
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Cactus under carbonate 12
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