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 IOS 2013 New Names

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Number of posts : 1872
Age : 81
Location : Chinnor, UK
Registration date : 2008-07-16

IOS 2013 New Names Empty
PostSubject: IOS 2013 New Names   IOS 2013 New Names Icon_minitimeFri Oct 09, 2015 7:39 pm

I just checked the IOS list of names published in 2013, and there are some new ones and some new combinations, as well as some resuscitation of genus name.

Here they are, for your interest and maybe discussion. Joel Lode is responsible for many of these, and presumably they are included in his recent book as well.

Mammillaria chaletii Plein, J. Mammillaria
Soc. 53(3): 99-100, ills. (pp. 97-100), 2013.
Typus: Chalet 4893 (IBUG). [Repeated in
Mitteilungsbl. AfM 37(4): 194-202, 2013.]

Mammillaria columbiana ssp. jamaicensis
(Areces) Lodé, Cact.-Avent. Int. 100: 30,
2013. Basionym: Mammillaria jamaicensis.

Mammillaria columbiana ssp. ruestii (Quehl)
Lodé, Cact.-Avent. Int. 100: 30, 2013. Nom.
inval. (ICN Art. 41.5), based on Mammillaria

Mammillaria columbiana ssp. tamayonis
(Killip ex Schnee) Lodé, Cact.-Avent. Int.
100: 30, 2013. Basionym: Mammillaria

Mammillaria dioica ssp. swinglei (Britton &
Rose) Hoeve, J. Mammillaria Soc. 53(1): 16,
2013. Basionym: Neomammillaria swinglei.

Mammillaria discolor ssp. pachyrhiza
(Backeberg) Lodé, Cact.-Avent. Int. 98
(Suppl.): 5, 2013. Basionym: Mammillaria

Mammillaria grusonii ssp. pachycylindrica
(Backeberg) Lodé, Cact.-Avent. Int. 98
(Suppl.): 5, 2013. Basionym: Mammillaria

Mammillaria grusonii ssp. zeyeriana (F. Haage
ex K. Schumann) Lodé, Cact.-Avent. Int.
100: 30, 2013. Basionym: Mammillaria

Mammillaria nacoriensis Plein & Rogozinski,
Mitteilungsbl. Arbeitskreises Mammillarienfr.
37(4): 244-245, ills. (pp. 234-245, 250-
255), 2013. Typus: Plein 587 (IBUG).

Mammillaria sphaerica ssp. paulii (Linzen)
Lodé, Cact.-Avent. Int. 98 (Suppl.): 5, 2013.
Basionym: Mammillaria paulii.

Neobesseya abdita (Repka & Vasko) Lodé,
Cact.-Avent. Int. 98 (Suppl.): 6, 2013. Basionym:
Escobaria abdita.

Neobesseya dasyacantha (Engelmann) Lodé,
Cact.-Avent. Int. 98 (Suppl.): 6, 2013. Basionym:
Mammillaria dasyacantha.

Neobesseya dasyacantha ssp. chaffeyi (Britton
& Rose) Lodé, Cact.-Avent. Int. 98 (Suppl.):
6, 2013. Basionym: Escobaria chaffeyi.

Neobesseya duncanii (Hester) Lodé, Cact.-
Avent. Int. 98 (Suppl.): 6, 2013. Basionym:
Escobesseya duncanii.

Neobesseya emskoetteriana (Quehl) Lodé,
Cact.-Avent. Int. 98 (Suppl.): 6, 2013. Basionym:
Mammillaria emskoetteriana.

Neobesseya lloydii (Britton & Rose) Lodé,
Cact.-Avent. Int. 98 (Suppl.): 7, 2013. Basionym:
Escobaria lloydii.

Neobesseya minima (Baird) Lodé, Cact.-Avent.
Int. 98 (Suppl.): 7, 2013. Basionym: Coryphantha

Neobesseya missouriensis ssp. asperispina
(Bödeker) Lodé, Cact.-Avent. Int. 100: 30,
2013. Basionym: Coryphantha asperispina.

My view of these Neobesseya combinations is a big HMMMMMMM........ Smile
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