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 Mammillaria heyderi ssp heyderi?

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Mammillaria heyderi ssp heyderi? Empty
PostSubject: Mammillaria heyderi ssp heyderi?   Mammillaria heyderi ssp heyderi? Icon_minitimeThu Apr 18, 2013 1:06 am

I posted the first two photos last May when I harvested chilitos. The plant never bloomed last year. The second two shots are current.

Mammillaria heyderi ssp heyderi? Tumblr11

Mammillaria heyderi ssp heyderi? Tumblr12

Mammillaria heyderi ssp heyderi? Tumblr13

Mammillaria heyderi ssp heyderi? Tumblr14

Here are the stats:
1 central spine, dark
16 radial spines, white/light cream
Ovoid-shaped chilitos
White/cream blooms with greenish-brown striping

I am thinking it has to be M. heyderi ssp heyderi, except for the glaring fact that is it quite globose - in no way it is flattened or did it flatten over the winter.

Experts, what do you think?

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Age : 81
Location : Chinnor, UK
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Mammillaria heyderi ssp heyderi? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mammillaria heyderi ssp heyderi?   Mammillaria heyderi ssp heyderi? Icon_minitimeFri Apr 19, 2013 10:23 am

I'm pretty sure you are right in your identification of your plant as M. heyderi ssp heyderi. To be honest, I find separating some of the subspecies quite difficult, but the higher radial spine count does give support to ssp. heyderi.

It is described as flat-globose to globose, and really it depends on how much water it has. In winter, I'd expect it to flatten and draw down closer to the soil, and then when it has the first water, it will plump up. I think that is what you are probably seeing.
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Mammillaria heyderi ssp heyderi?
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