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 Mammillaria heyderi?

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Mammillaria heyderi? Empty
PostSubject: Mammillaria heyderi?   Mammillaria heyderi? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 22, 2013 12:11 am

I would like an Id for this Mammillaria please. I belive it could heyderi but which ssp.?

[img][url=]Mammillaria heyderi? New_un12

I did try to upload two images but somehow the second one cancelled out the first one. affraid Need to work out how to upload, wil have to study it tomorrow.

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Mammillaria heyderi? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mammillaria heyderi?   Mammillaria heyderi? Icon_minitimeFri Mar 01, 2013 9:28 pm

Can no-one Id this Mamm. for me?
Not even a comment?

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Mammillaria heyderi? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mammillaria heyderi?   Mammillaria heyderi? Icon_minitimeFri Mar 01, 2013 10:30 pm

Hi Tiggy.I´m by no means an expert on mamms ,but I´m not sure about this beeing a heyderi.If it is it should be ssp macdougalii but I´m leaning more towards M.brandegei ssp gabbii. I´m sure you´ll get a proper identification from others.
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Mammillaria heyderi? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mammillaria heyderi?   Mammillaria heyderi? Icon_minitimeFri Mar 01, 2013 11:10 pm

Thank you for your post I was beginning to wonder if anyone was ever going to give me an opinion. Crying or Very sad I will definitely check out your suggestions. I too am a bit doubtful of it's Id as I can't seem to find anything in the heyderi that match it. I am by know means an expert or even very experienced especially in "Id-ing" as I have only been collecting seriously for just over a year, but have 150-200 plants now and am trying to Id each one (a mega task confused )
Will get to work on this tomorrow as it's gone midnight here and time to wind down for the night.
Goodnight and thankyou again.

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Number of posts : 1872
Age : 81
Location : Chinnor, UK
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Mammillaria heyderi? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mammillaria heyderi?   Mammillaria heyderi? Icon_minitimeSat Mar 02, 2013 12:47 pm

Hi Tiggy,

It can be quite difficult to give a clear indication of some species in Mammillaria without a look at flowers and seed, especially if you don't know where they originated from.

Your plant seems to have 2 central spines, light brown, tipped darker, and around 12 radial spines, white with slightly darker tips. There is considerable axillary wool, on older axils. The tubercles look rounded rathe rthan angled.

The only M. heyderi form that comes close would be gummifera, but that has axillary wool only on young axils, so would be around the growing point of the plant, not the older part of the stem.

M. brandegeei has angled tubercles, so I am for the moment ruling that out, although ssp. glareosa does have woolly axils, but only 1 central spine.

One plant that comes to mind is Mammillaria scrippsiana, but its a bit short on radial spine s- the description calls for 8-10. Another is M. sonorensis, though I'm not sure it looks quite right. It might me another of the plants from the Sonoroa / Chiahuhua / Sinaloa mountains, about which there is still some debate by the botanists on what are good species.

Your plant looks as though it has flowered. Do you remember what colour the flowers were, as my suggestion of scrippsiana has pinkish flowers, and those of sonorensis are larger and deeper pink, so that would either rule it out or support my theory.

Sorry not to be able to give you a definitive answer.
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Mammillaria heyderi? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mammillaria heyderi?   Mammillaria heyderi? Icon_minitimeSat Mar 02, 2013 8:58 pm

Thankyou for your reply Chris. I don't know what the flowers were like as It was as you see it when purchased. I bought it in January with no name indication, as I thought how attractive it was. I have just tried to upload a few more photos but with no luck. Don't know how I managed to upload that one actually, I am used to a more simple method I'm afraid. ill definitely have to spend one evening and try and work it out. I will make notes of your comments and will try again when it flowers scratch In the meantime it will just be called Mammi. She's beautiful anyway, even if I can't identify her. Thankyou again.

Tiggy study
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Number of posts : 1872
Age : 81
Location : Chinnor, UK
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Mammillaria heyderi? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mammillaria heyderi?   Mammillaria heyderi? Icon_minitimeSat Mar 02, 2013 9:45 pm

Lets hope it flowers for you too, and then maybe we can start again.
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Mammillaria heyderi? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mammillaria heyderi?   Mammillaria heyderi? Icon_minitimeSat Mar 02, 2013 9:57 pm

Yes I do too. In the meantime I've actually managed to upload some more shots of her in the hope Rolling Eyes that they may help and Id. If not - Patients.............. flower

Mammillaria heyderi? New_un23

Mammillaria heyderi? New_un24

Mammillaria heyderi? New_un25

Thank you anyway for your time.

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Number of posts : 345
Age : 78
Location : Sutton, Surrey.
Registration date : 2011-06-05

Mammillaria heyderi? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mammillaria heyderi?   Mammillaria heyderi? Icon_minitimeMon Mar 04, 2013 6:34 pm

Hi Tiggy, I think Chris's suggestion of m. scrippsiana is a good call, especially looking at the new photos. As we often say WAIT TILL IT FLOWERS.
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Mammillaria heyderi? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mammillaria heyderi?   Mammillaria heyderi? Icon_minitimeMon Mar 04, 2013 10:27 pm

Hi delandmo. Yes I agree, I think Chris and yourself may have cracked it for me. I've checked out several sites it definitely looks more like M.scrippsiana than any other. As you both have said now I just need to wait for some flowers to confirm, but I feel very optimistic that it's the one. That's what's going on the records for now until proven otherwise.
Thankyou so much all of you

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Mammillaria heyderi? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mammillaria heyderi?   Mammillaria heyderi? Icon_minitime

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