Hi Alec,
Yes you're correct in saying M. rekoi ssp. aureispina.
M.discolor and M. carnea are also correct.
M.puberula is synonym of M. crinita ssp crinita.
Lastly, M.durangicola, as it should be spelt, is a
synonym of M. grusonii.
As regards to seed raising these specific species, I
have no personal experience of these plants. But have
raised other Mammillaria from seed. I find that the
best temperature to raise them would be around the
20c or below, but above 15c. Any higher or lower
temps. will lead to irregular germination. Once the
seed has germinated it is essential to keep them out
of heavy sun. Which turns them red and stops them growing.
If you're raising your seeds in a propagator with controlled
heat all year round, you must make sure they have plenty
of light in winter. Maybe using artificial light in the form
of light tubes. Also keep them damp. If, like me,
raising the seedlings in a greenhouse with a temp. below
15c then its best to keep them almost dry.
Hope this helps you .
Regards Derek.