Thank's Ruudt!!!
The plants from the rockgarden are not cover in winter, in a morning (winter of 2010) was - 30 celsius, all the plants survived.
In that year was frequently - 15 ---- - 20, and one day when the winter start was rain and then frezeing in the night
Some photos:
![Cactus mini landscaping with Mammillaria Th_IMG_00892](https://2img.net/h/i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l589/punker_u/th_IMG_00892.jpg)
All the plants are alive
This is my favorite:
![Cactus mini landscaping with Mammillaria Th_IMG_00912-1](https://2img.net/h/i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l589/punker_u/th_IMG_00912-1.jpg)
Sure in spring beautiful lemon like flowers
My rockgarden is:
1.South orientation
2.Mineral substrate
3.Tall 40 cm above the ground
I never whater them!!!...i don't do nothing for them just the first 3 rules (South, mineral, Tall 40 cm above the ground), the plants stai outside from the second year from seed and the Opuntia is from cutings.
I have Echinocereus, Escobaria and a lot of Opuntia locations
p.s: Tomorow i will show some pictures with the litlle plants from the rockgarden (just 2 years and 1 year !!!...sure they will survive in their natural habitat is much harder