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 Not an introduction, but some views of my collection.

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2 posters

Number of posts : 1872
Age : 81
Location : Chinnor, UK
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Not an introduction, but some views of my collection. Empty
PostSubject: Not an introduction, but some views of my collection.   Not an introduction, but some views of my collection. Icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2010 4:36 pm

The greenhouse has been so colourful, and now the sun has come out, I thought I should record it. So I thought you might like to see some parts of it. I should have done this a week or so ago, as there were some plants in flower that have now finished, such as M. eumorpha which flowered fo rme for the first time.

Not an introduction, but some views of my collection. Pict1515
Some of my Stylothelae

Not an introduction, but some views of my collection. Pict1516
Some of the Polyacanthae

Not an introduction, but some views of my collection. Pict1517
Mainly Leucocephalae

Not an introduction, but some views of my collection. Pict1518
From magnimamma to mystax

Not an introduction, but some views of my collection. Pict1611
just magnimamma forms

Not an introduction, but some views of my collection. Pict1612
mainly formosa

Chris43, moderator
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Number of posts : 538
Age : 60
Location : Lisbon, Portugal
Registration date : 2010-05-25

Not an introduction, but some views of my collection. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not an introduction, but some views of my collection.   Not an introduction, but some views of my collection. Icon_minitimeWed Jun 16, 2010 2:22 pm

Wonderfull collection, Chris. I never manage to get full circles of flowers on my plants, but I blame it mainly on our almost-permanent sun (and a bit on my inability).
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Not an introduction, but some views of my collection. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not an introduction, but some views of my collection.   Not an introduction, but some views of my collection. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 12:10 pm

Wow. What a wonderful collection Chris. Beautifully presented too.

Do you keep your bubble wrap up all year long?

Where do you get your square pots from? I'm forever rearranging my plants to optimise space. Using square pots would be so much more efficient than the round ones that I currently use.

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Number of posts : 1872
Age : 81
Location : Chinnor, UK
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Not an introduction, but some views of my collection. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not an introduction, but some views of my collection.   Not an introduction, but some views of my collection. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 4:34 pm

Hi Simon,
Thanks for the accolade! It was looking especially good at that time, with so much in flower.
I do keep the bubble insulation up all year round - at least I have done now for the last 2 1/2 years. I did wonder if it would impair flowering, but doesn't seem to have done so. It also avoids the tedious work of unpinning it and pinning it up again.
My square pots come from Philip Barker, who is based in Macclesfield, I think. He is often at shows or conventions, but also sells by mail. You can contact him via email at and he will send you his latest catalogue. They aren't the cheapest, but I've used them for years and they seem to last pretty much for ever as well.

Chris43, moderator
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Not an introduction, but some views of my collection. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not an introduction, but some views of my collection.   Not an introduction, but some views of my collection. Icon_minitime

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Not an introduction, but some views of my collection.
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