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 newbie question

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PostSubject: newbie question   newbie question Icon_minitimeSun Apr 11, 2010 11:51 pm

Good Afternoon,
I'm a new member, from Santa Fe, NM, 7000 ft elevation and average last freeze date of 15 May. My greenhouse is attached and one wing faces south, while another faces SW. The glass is angled at 70 degrees to maximize solar exposure. Temperatures do get rather warm inside. I saw an earlier note about bubble wrap in a greenhouse for insulation and possibly shading. Could someone please elaborate? How is it secured? Does the UV destroy the wrap after one season? Any ideas or help greatly appreciated.
Thank you
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Number of posts : 1872
Age : 81
Location : Chinnor, UK
Registration date : 2008-07-16

newbie question Empty
PostSubject: Re: newbie question   newbie question Icon_minitimeMon Apr 12, 2010 11:38 am

Hello and welcome!
What sort of plants do you have in your greenhouse? I can imagine in your climate you see extremes of temperature.
I don't know what sort of structure your greenhouse is made of, but I expect either wood or aluminium.
I know that this link Bubble Insulation is a British one, but it does give a fair bit of information for you. Hopefully you can track down something similar.
My own greenhouse is made of red cedar, so I just use drawing pins with big heads and pin the bubble insulation sheets to the wood - easy! With aluminium you do need the fixings, which are mentioned to the bottom of the web page.
If you get horticultural quality insulation it will resist UV, unlike the stuff that is used for wrapping parcels.
I leave mine up all year round, and saves on heating and keeps things cooler in the summer - at least it prevents scorch, which for some species is a problem when the plants emerge into growth after pour dull and sunless winters.
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