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Huitzilopochtlia Empty
PostSubject: Huitzilopochtlia   Huitzilopochtlia Icon_minitimeMon Mar 23, 2009 4:25 pm

Huitzilopochtlia is the NEW mammillaria offtering form David Hunt since Mammillaria Postscripts. It is aimed to be a E-mail newsletter come discussion paper for those who are genuine and real enthusiasts of the genus Mammillaria and who would be willing to take part and contirbuted to the on going discussion on a regular basics. There is no cost, only time, but membership of the group could be limited.

The first isue, March 2009, contains 10 pages of A4 with colour pictures of plants in habitat. Subjects include......
The Lau Mammillaria's: a project to be revived?
Lau 1134 and Lau 1135 including both data sheets.
Lau 621 including data sheet.
Lau 1096 including data sheet.
From my Mexican note books.
Not much rejoicing over one sinner repenteth.

If you are a genuine and real enthusiast of the Genus Mammillaria and would like to take part then you will be able to obtain the first issue by contacting David Hunt on his E-mail address which you will be able to find in the membership list of the AfM (german Mammillaria Society). Most people on this forum will be members or know someone who is a member of AfM.
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Huitzilopochtlia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Huitzilopochtlia   Huitzilopochtlia Icon_minitimeTue Dec 28, 2010 10:30 am

The most recent issue of Huitzilopochtlia, number 5, is now available.
I have E-mailed it to a number of Forum members, but if anyone else would like to recieve it then please e-mail me at and I will send it on.

29-12-10. Mistake with the e-mail address has now been corrected.
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Huitzilopochtlia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Huitzilopochtlia   Huitzilopochtlia Icon_minitimeTue Sep 06, 2011 8:47 am

HP 6 has now be issued.
I have sent it to a number of Forum members but if you would like a copy then please e-mail be at the above address. Back issues are available has well.

Mark M.
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Huitzilopochtlia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Huitzilopochtlia   Huitzilopochtlia Icon_minitimeFri Jan 25, 2013 3:45 pm

Hi everyone,

Were there any further issues after issue 6 of Huitzilopochtlia?

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Huitzilopochtlia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Huitzilopochtlia   Huitzilopochtlia Icon_minitimeMon Feb 04, 2013 8:47 pm

Hi Amante,

I was in touch with David a few weeks ago and he tells me that HP was more of a labour of love and that he is just to busy with his other projects such has the Cactus mapping book which will be out soon, a 3rd edition of the Cities Cactus Check List and a possible updated Cactus Lexion.

A great shame has I felt it was a really interesing and useful addition to our knowledge of these wonderful plants.

Best Wishes to all, Tam ( Mark M )
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Huitzilopochtlia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Huitzilopochtlia   Huitzilopochtlia Icon_minitime

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