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 Greetings from Colchester

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Greetings from Colchester Empty
PostSubject: Greetings from Colchester   Greetings from Colchester Icon_minitimeSat Aug 02, 2008 11:32 pm


My name is Len and I’ve lived in Colchester, Essex since 1976, though I was born and grew up in Kent. I’m divorced, with two sons in their thirties and I share a house with two cats.

I’m not sure when I started collecting Cacti & Succulents as a lad. My dad was a nurseryman, growing mainly “bedding” plants, house plants and cut flowers, and I slipped into C&S gradually. I’m 61 now, so I must have been carefully killing cacti for 45 to 50 years by now, and am on my third incarnation in the hobby.

Before phase three I was mainly interested in Cacti, with Mamms being the dominant part of my collection. Nowadays the “other” succulents outnumber the cacti. Given the space I’d like to rebuild my Mamm collection, but my greenhouse (approx 3m by 7m) is already straining at the seams. The genera most represented in my collection include Adromischus; Agave; Aloe; Haworthia; Lithops; Eriosyce; Mammillaria; Parodia (Notocactus); and too many others. To make things worse, this year I am having a go at seed raising – mainly Mesembs, I’m afraid!

I joined the BCSS forum last year, and found it most rewarding. I look forward to meeting new friends here.

Photos of some of my plants can be found in my Picasa gallery:
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Number of posts : 1872
Age : 81
Location : Chinnor, UK
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Greetings from Colchester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greetings from Colchester   Greetings from Colchester Icon_minitimeSun Aug 03, 2008 11:31 am

Welcome Len to this Forum.

Maybe it will inspire you to reverse what seems to be a trend towards the weeds Very Happy . But even if not, then I'm sure you'll find kindred spirits here, and enjoy your visits.

Chris43, moderator
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Greetings from Colchester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greetings from Colchester   Greetings from Colchester Icon_minitimeThu Aug 07, 2008 3:42 pm

Hi Chris

What I need to find is the Tardis option on my greenhouse, so I can rebuild my Mamm collection whilst continuing to stock the salad bar. I've got some recently germinated Mamm seedlings on the go, as well as those I got from you, and I'm hoping to find a few lost friends on the sales benches at the National (in the juvenile plant ranges).
Now to see if I can twig how to navigate this site. No
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Number of posts : 1872
Age : 81
Location : Chinnor, UK
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Greetings from Colchester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greetings from Colchester   Greetings from Colchester Icon_minitimeThu Aug 07, 2008 6:27 pm

I understand well the Tardis need, Len. I have just rebuilt a couple of lengths of staging, but suddenly after adding some recently acquired plants, its full again. I'm getting to the stage of thinking what other genera to move out....

But do make some space, I have a lot more seedlings from 2007 sowings that should be decently sized next year....!!

Chris43, moderator
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Greetings from Colchester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greetings from Colchester   Greetings from Colchester Icon_minitimeThu Aug 07, 2008 9:57 pm

I grow my plants in clay pots which have a wide rim. I keep telling myself that if I changed over to plastic I'd get a lot more in the same space.
As I'd then overwater them, I'd get even more room!
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Number of posts : 1872
Age : 81
Location : Chinnor, UK
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Greetings from Colchester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greetings from Colchester   Greetings from Colchester Icon_minitimeFri Aug 08, 2008 6:05 pm

I gave up on clay pots a good while ago, Len. I just tend to use a more open compost that before, so that the pot shouldn't ever get to a seriously wet state, at least not for long. It also means I don't have to water as frequently - I usually do so about every 3-4 weeks at the peak time of year.
But its what you get used to, and I think you tailor your approach to what you;re using, and this does take some time, and some casualties.

Chris43, moderator
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Greetings from Colchester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greetings from Colchester   Greetings from Colchester Icon_minitimeFri Aug 08, 2008 11:29 pm

I don't use the clays for drainage as such, but because I think they look much nicer. My compost mix is very porous, and should work well in plastic pots. I used to grow in BEF pots, and still have my old stocks of those, tho many do look a bit manky. Choices, eh? - They leave you no option!
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PostSubject: Re: Greetings from Colchester   Greetings from Colchester Icon_minitime

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