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 Hello Cactus People

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Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2023-07-22

Hello Cactus People  Empty
PostSubject: Hello Cactus People    Hello Cactus People  Icon_minitimeSat Jul 22, 2023 9:17 pm

I'm a small cactus grower based in the middle of Kent halfway between Dover and Canterbury.

I have a display house that I love showing people around and a "for sale" polytunnel that it presently shared with tomatoes, courgettes and liquorice plants.

I grow a lot of plants from seed and cuttings, and occasionally get hold of rescue plants that I love to look after.

I've been a BCSS member for some years and also have my own Youtube channel, Ziggy's Cactus Channel, which I regularly upload cactus videos and usually put up a daily single, cactus related picture.

I recently built my own website on which I list some of the plants I have for sale, as well as a daily diary page.

I'm also a moderator on one of the UK's Gardening Forums and have been for the past 13 years.

When I'm not growing cacti I help look after our 4 acres with my partner who loves flower gardening, I'm more wildflowers, veg and compost department. We have a fruit tunnel, a couple of veg gardens, 3 huge flower beds, 2 ponds, a wildflower meadow, 4,000 litres of rainwater storage, solar panels that power the lawnmower, hedge cutter, and most other things in the shed.

We have bats, partridges, badgers, hedgehogs and a cat called Graham.
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