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 Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.

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6 posters


Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeMon Jan 31, 2022 1:19 pm

A small space in my collection is occupied by mammillaries from the Crucigera-Gruppe.
They are mostly purchased plants. I don't have much success with sowing and growing them.
Dixanthocentron are probably the easiest to cultivate. It's too early to talk about flowering.

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_dixa11
M. dixantocentron ML 396 left, M. dixanthocentron celsiana L 1059

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_dixa10
M. dixanthocentron "celsiana" L 1059

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_dixa12
M. dixantocentron ML 396
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Number of posts : 540
Age : 60
Location : Lisbon, Portugal
Registration date : 2010-05-25

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeTue Feb 01, 2022 8:22 am

One of my favourite Mammillaria species. Smile
Nice plants, Vladimir.
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Number of posts : 27
Location : Turkey
Registration date : 2021-12-28

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeTue Feb 01, 2022 8:48 am

Very nice plants Vladimir.
Hands up! Smile cheers
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeTue Feb 01, 2022 5:34 pm

Thank you, JFabiao and Fatich.  Arrow
'Dixanthes' are quite diverse in nature, varying in the size of the central thorn, its colour and fluff. But very poorly represented in our area.  Maybe I'm wrong, though.

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_dixa15
M. dixanthocentron flavicentra L 680

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_dixa13
M. dixanthocentron flavicentra L 680

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_dixa14
M. dixanthocentron P 322
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeTue Feb 01, 2022 5:41 pm

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_dixa16
M. dixanthocentron FO 230 - barranca calipan - pue

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_dixa17
M. dixanthocentron WM 1949
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Number of posts : 27
Location : Turkey
Registration date : 2021-12-28

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeWed Feb 02, 2022 7:51 am

Poeple generally do not have interest with pink small flowered Mammillaria species. They are nice plants when they get older.

Last edited by fatich on Wed Feb 02, 2022 10:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 540
Age : 60
Location : Lisbon, Portugal
Registration date : 2010-05-25

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeWed Feb 02, 2022 7:56 am

Happy birthday, Vladimir!

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Number of posts : 3243
Age : 66
Location : Deutschland, Köln
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Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeWed Feb 02, 2022 9:27 pm

Happy birthday, Vladimir!

Best wishes


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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeWed Feb 02, 2022 10:28 pm

I'm just happy. You see what an international family we have.
Thank you friends, it's such a small thing - 60 years.
We'll see!
As the doctors say: We're watching.
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2022 9:32 am

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_egre13
M. egregia

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_egre12
M. egregia

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_eleg11
M. elegans Rep 956
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2022 9:36 am

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_form10
M. formosa Charco Blanco

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_form11
M. formosa Charco Blanco

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_form12
M. formosa Charco Blanco
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2022 9:40 am

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_form13
M. formosa Charco Blanco f. albiflora

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_form14
M. formosa Charco Blanco f. albiflora

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_form15
M. formosa Charco Blanco f. albiflora
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2022 9:44 am

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_form16
M. formosa ML 113 Tam. (5km South of Villa de Bustamante 1450m)

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_form17
M. formosa ML 113

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_form18
M. formosa ML 113
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2022 10:13 am

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_form19
M. formosa P 475 SLP (Las Flores)

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_form20
M. formosa P 475 SLP (Las Flores)

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_form21
M. formosa P 475 SLP (Las Flores)
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2022 10:18 am

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_form22
M. formosa MBF 149

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_form24
M. formosa ML 414 SLP (Presa de Guadalupe 1170m)

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_form23
M. formosa P 262 Coah. (Arteaga) chionocephala
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2022 10:22 am

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_form25
M. formosa PP 1163 NL (Marmolejos)

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_form26
M. formosa Rep 1064 SLP (La Jolla, Cerro Cuervo, 2150m)

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_form27
M. formosa Rep 1064 SLP (La Jolla, Cerro Cuervo, 2150m)
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2022 10:25 am

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_form28
M. formosa ssp. microthele v. superfina

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_form29
M. formosa ssp. microthele SB 34 SLP (Presa de Guadalupe)
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeMon Feb 07, 2022 10:15 pm

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_gass10
M. gasseriana

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_gate14
M. gatesii ref. to m. petrophila ssp petrophila

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_gemi10
M. geminispina v. nobilis
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeMon Feb 07, 2022 10:23 pm

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_giga10
M. gigantea L 1118

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_gile10
M. gilensis ABF 14-0091

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_glas10
M. glassii
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeMon Feb 07, 2022 10:30 pm

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_guer10
M. guerreronis RS 658

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_gumm10
M. gummifera

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_haag12
M. haageana conspicua FO 210 (Zapotitlan-Tehuacán)
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Number of posts : 351
Registration date : 2009-10-01

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeTue Feb 08, 2022 6:40 pm

I don't think that your M. guerreronis RS658 is M. guerreronis, it looks more like M. albilanata. If you look at the photo of a flowering RS658 on the guerreronis page of Maurillio, then you can also see that it is not a guerreronis. See

But other than that: thank you for posting all these interesting photos of well-grown plants!

Wolter ten Hoeve.

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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeTue Feb 08, 2022 7:18 pm

Quite possibly, Wolter.
I got the seeds from Stanik.
I noticed the differences, but decided to wait a little longer to draw conclusions.
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeTue Feb 08, 2022 7:50 pm

Wolter ten Hoeve.

Since I received seeds with this name, I did not pay attention to the appearance of the little seedlings.
The correct name would be:
Mammillaria sp. RS 658, Guerrero (Chilpancingo-Iguala) .
(I think Roman Stanik knows how tall Guerreronis is) .

Thank you for your observation.  Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. 1f44d
For me this mistake is a bit sad. It is very rare to buy M. guerreronis seeds nowadays.
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeTue Feb 08, 2022 10:34 pm

Sometimes I want to leave an unchanged clump of earth with sprouts. Cacti that have grown amongst the rocks. The seedlings have different growth rates and there is competition.  In such cases, I use "pot-in-pot" planting. When replanting, the outer fertile layer is replaced and the perforated pot with the plants in the gravel is left untouched.

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_micr10
M. microthele Las Tablas

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_micr11
M. microthele ML 510

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_micr12
M. microthele superfina
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeWed Feb 09, 2022 2:37 pm

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_vari11
M. varieaculeata FO 170 (El Campanario, cerca Calipan)

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_vari12
M. varieaculeata FO 170 (El Campanario, cerca Calipan)

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_vari10
M. varieaculeata FO 170 (El Campanario, cerca Calipan)
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeWed Feb 09, 2022 4:12 pm

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_haag13
M. haageana schmollii FO 239

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_haag14
M. haageana WOLF 68 - el limon - veracruz

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_hahn10
M. hahniana albiflora
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeWed Feb 09, 2022 4:35 pm

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_hast10
M. hastifera Piltz,   ref to m gigantea

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_herm10
M. hermosana

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_herr10
M. herrera albiflora  Smile,
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Number of posts : 177
Age : 28
Location : Hamburg, Germany
Registration date : 2016-08-19

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeThu Feb 10, 2022 5:14 am

Wonderful plants Vladimir as always cheers

I agree with Wolter right there the RS658 is Mam. albilanata fma. igualensis.
woltertenhoeve wrote:
I don't think that your M. guerreronis RS658 is M. guerreronis, it looks more like M. albilanata.

I also think what Lau said is gigantea L1118 might be Mammillaria antesbergeriana.

On another 60 years Very Happy kind regards Jonathan
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeThu Feb 10, 2022 8:54 pm

Mammillaria sp.L 1118
Jalisco (Huejuquilla-San Juan Capistrano 1000-1700m)

"The location is the border area between the states of Zacatecas and Durango. It may be distantly related to M.wagneriana."  (letter from Dr Lau) By Bob Stanley.

Thank you, Jonathan, for the correspondence journey, stationary traveling!
I took a virtual tour of Route 44.
There are three uplands on the border of the three states, 30-50 km away.
M. antesbergeriana grows at these elevations.
This is evidenced by the findings of WTH, ROG and L.
I would like to wander these canyons.
Only I probably won't be able to do that in the next 60 years.  Smile  cheers
Thanks for the congratulations.

RS658 is Mam. albilanata fma. igualensis.
Well, let's see.
Let my seedlings grow up a bit. Smile

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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeFri Feb 11, 2022 9:04 pm

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_heyd14
M. heyderi (roseoalba) SB 285 NL (Dr Arroyo)

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_heyd15
M. heyderi hemisphaerica SB 859

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_heyd16
M. heyderi hemisphaerica SB 859
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeFri Feb 11, 2022 9:16 pm

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_heyd17
M. heyderi JRT4182, long red sp

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_heyd18
M. heyderi JRT4182, long red sp

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_heyd19
M. heyderi subsp. meiacantha SB 118
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeFri Feb 11, 2022 9:32 pm

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_heyd20
M. heyderi ssp meiacantha Mora Co.

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_huit10
M. huitzilopochtli FO 13 Canyon del Tomellin, Quiotepec, Oax

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_hutc10
M. hutchisoniana aff. RS
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeFri Feb 11, 2022 9:37 pm

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_humb10
M. humboldtii

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_humb12
M. humboldtii

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_humb11
M. humboldtii
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeSat Feb 12, 2022 8:27 am

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_insu11
M. insularis L 022

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_insu10
M. insularis WM 9090

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_insu12
M. insularis WM 9090
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeSat Feb 12, 2022 8:58 am

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_jali12
M. jaliscana JMT 321,  KKP 1890

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_jali11
M. jaliscana KKP 1890

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_jali10
M. jaliscana L 1048
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeSun Feb 13, 2022 7:30 pm

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_schu12
M. schumannii

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_schu10
M. schumannii v. globosa

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_schu11
M. schumannii v. globosa
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeSun Feb 13, 2022 8:02 pm

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_bool12
M. boolii & schumannii glibosa

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_kneb10
M. knebeliana SB 29

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_micr13
M. microcarpa Rep 1558
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeSun Feb 13, 2022 8:12 pm

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_micr14
M. microcarpa SB 1778

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_occi10
M. occidentalis Barra de Navidad

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_occi11
M. occidentalis Barra de Navidad
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeSun Feb 13, 2022 8:23 pm

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_john17
M. johnstonii v. sancarlensis

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_karw10
M. karwinskiana 'confusa' ML 384

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_karw11
M. karwinskiana ML 352
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeMon Feb 14, 2022 9:18 pm

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_neja10
M. nejapensis

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_neja11
M. nejapensis

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_neja12
M. nejapensis SB 583
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitimeMon Feb 14, 2022 9:25 pm

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_neja13
M. nejapensis SB 1608 Mitla

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_neja14
M. nejapensis SB 1608 Mitla

Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. M_neja15
M. nejapensis SB 1608 Mitla
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Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.   Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2. Icon_minitime

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Cactus under carbonate. 21. (2021) . 2.
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