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 Its a good year for flowers!

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Number of posts : 1872
Age : 81
Location : Chinnor, UK
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Its a good year for flowers! Empty
PostSubject: Its a good year for flowers!   Its a good year for flowers! Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2020 6:54 pm

Some from my collection.

Its a good year for flowers! Aureil10
Mammillaria aureilanata MZ306

Its a good year for flowers! Pennis10
Mammillaria pennispinosa CD10/47

Its a good year for flowers! Weinga10
Mammillaria weingartiana

Its a good year for flowers! Laui_l10
Mammillaria laui Lau 1496

Its a good year for flowers! Huitzi10
Mammillaria huitzilopochtlii v. cuicatlanensis f. multispina TL327

Its a good year for flowers! Glochi10
Mammillaria glochidiata WAF2183

Its a good year for flowers! Sinfor10
Mammillaria sinforosensis ssp. marionae PN426

Its a good year for flowers! Roemer10
Mammillaria roemeri

Its a good year for flowers! Formos10
Mammillaria formosa v. arroyensis Rog524

Plenty more to come.....
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Its a good year for flowers!
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