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 Maurillio A-Z

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2 posters

Number of posts : 345
Age : 78
Location : Sutton, Surrey.
Registration date : 2011-06-05

Maurillio A-Z Empty
PostSubject: Maurillio A-Z   Maurillio A-Z Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2019 4:39 pm

Glancing through Maurillio's excellent A-Z on 20th June for m. crinita I came across m. crinita - seeds from Mesa Gardens MG 614 Zimapan- Hidalgo - Mex. From Antonio Gandolfo - Vicenza. Posted September 2016. I looked at these two photos and thought they look very similar to m. schwarzii. On checking, both plants come from the states of Guanajuato and Hidalgo. With several more states for m. crinita and with a more precise location for m. schwarzii.
Is this plant m. schwarzii or maybe a natural hybrid between the two?
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Number of posts : 351
Registration date : 2009-10-01

Maurillio A-Z Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maurillio A-Z   Maurillio A-Z Icon_minitimeSat Jun 29, 2019 9:17 pm

This MG 614 is an interesting looking plant. But I don't think that it has anything to do with M. schwarzii (although hooked centrals are occasionally present in the latter). The locations, Zimapán, Hidalgo vs. El Cubo near San Felipe, Guanajuato, are more than 200 km apart.
It is a pity that MG 614 is only listed as from Zimapán. That could be a fairly large region. Somewhat southwest of Zimapán is Agua Blanca, and Reppenhagen's Rep. 1697 is from there, just like Fitz Maurice's WAF 2346. Reppenhagen calls that M. crinita var. pauciseta. It still differs much from the Gandolfo MG 614 plant.
However, a bit further southwest of Zimapán, at the Presa Zimapán, is the location of M. scheinvariana, and that plant has some of the looks of the Gandolfo plant.
Fitz Maurice has found M. crinita at several locations around the Presa Zimapán, and it could be that MG 614 is one of his finds, related to M. scheinvariana, but with hooked centrals......

Wolter ten Hoeve.
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Number of posts : 345
Age : 78
Location : Sutton, Surrey.
Registration date : 2011-06-05

Maurillio A-Z Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maurillio A-Z   Maurillio A-Z Icon_minitimeSat Jun 29, 2019 10:57 pm

Yes, a distinct possibility.
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PostSubject: Re: Maurillio A-Z   Maurillio A-Z Icon_minitime

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