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 My collection of mams

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My collection of mams Empty
PostSubject: My collection of mams   My collection of mams Icon_minitimeSat Jun 23, 2018 6:02 pm

I had a lot more mams that I realized. Late winter, and a repotting year, so a lot of my cacti aren't as plump and colorful as they usually are.

M. columbiana
My collection of mams Img_0215

M. columbiana seedlings.  10 months old.  They're probably small for their age.  I planted them in the wrong season and they stalled over winter for a while.  
My collection of mams Img_e010

M. rhondantha recent box store find
My collection of mams Img_0512

M. elongans  I just found this perfect one at Lowes and already producing fruit.  I'm planning on sowing some of the seeds as soon as I free up some room on my shelf.  
My collection of mams Img_0618

M. magnimamma
My collection of mams Img_0619

M. schiediana
My collection of mams Img_0621

M bombycina still a little skinny from winter
My collection of mams Img_0620

M. candida f rosea  really hard to get good pictures of those white ones!
My collection of mams Img_0623

M. chiocephala
My collection of mams Img_0624

M. pringlei recent find
My collection of mams Img_0622

M gracilis fragilis got a little elongated this winter, but I figure pups will cover that up soon enough.
My collection of mams Img_0625

No longer sure.  I got this unlabled beauty 4 years ago from a greenhouse. At one point I found a picture just like it labeled a M. sheldonii but it's not coming up when I google that now.  
My collection of mams Img_0627
Here's an old picture of it's flowers.  I was going to wait until those buds opened, but storms and cloudy days is making it look like I'm not going to get a good pic this round.  
My collection of mams Mammil11

M. elongata 'copper king' recent find
My collection of mams Img_0626

M. plumosa
My collection of mams Img_0629

M. guelzowiana
My collection of mams Img_0628
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My collection of mams
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