Hello everyone!
I suggest to viewing another portion of cacti.
Coryphantha in time.
I am grafting opponent, but everyone can see the charm of this cultivation method. Seedlings from one sowing. I hope it is clear to all who will blossom earlier. About thorns, i am silent.
окт. 2013 Coryphantha poselgeriana MG133.9
ноя. 2016 Coryphantha poselgeriana MG133.9
сен. 2016 Coryphantha poselgeriana MG133.9
M. albicoma SB 271
M. cadereytensis Rog 564
Old m candida 2-3 years ago gave outgrowths.
Is caespitosa?
M. candida (caespitosa)
M. candida caespitosa SB 326
M. candida SB 109
M. laui subducta
M. schiedeana
At sowing m. shideana have only a one seedling. Dumetorum or hybrid?
M. schiedeana (dumetorum)
M. schiedeana (dumetorum)
(Someday I'll learn to write in English.)