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 Cactus under carbonate 5

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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Cactus under carbonate 5 Empty
PostSubject: Cactus under carbonate 5   Cactus under carbonate 5 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 06, 2016 7:36 pm

Hello everybody!
We continue.
This kids.
Not yet bloomed. Probably need to wait (a few years).

M. formosa f. albiflora Charco Blanco
Cactus under carbonate 5 M_form16

M. formosa ML 414
Cactus under carbonate 5 M_form20

M. formosa P 475
Cactus under carbonate 5 M_form18

M. formosa PP 1163
Cactus under carbonate 5 M_form17

M. formosa Rep 1064
Cactus under carbonate 5 M_form19

M. schumannii (2)
Cactus under carbonate 5 M_schu11

M. winterae SB 1626
Cactus under carbonate 5 M_wint15

M. winterae SB 1626
Cactus under carbonate 5 M_wint13

M. winterae SB 1626
Cactus under carbonate 5 M_wint14

M. microthele Las Tablas
Cactus under carbonate 5 M_micr11

Seedlings have not yet ended. We have yet to come.
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Cactus under carbonate 5
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