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 Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything.

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3 posters


Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything. Empty
PostSubject: Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything.   Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2016 7:44 pm

Hello everyone on Mammillaria forumotion.
I live in the town of Voznesensk, Ukraine. Not Nuevo Leon.
Voznesensk translated ascension, but only Mammillaria grow in my greenhouse.
By chance, my first cactus was centricirrha - scion.
Somewhere in the mid-70s of the 20th century.
Now cacti became more. Something buy seedlings, but mostly sow. Something turns. (Much like to write in English).
The purpose of visiting the forum - a comparison of the results.
Hopefully Number of wives, children, etc. nobody cares.
Sincerely, Vladimir.
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Number of posts : 540
Age : 60
Location : Lisbon, Portugal
Registration date : 2010-05-25

Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything.   Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2016 9:17 am

Welcome, Vladimir. Smile
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything.   Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2016 10:54 am

Thank you, jfabiao!
I'm looking at your blog Jardinero Azelha, lots of fun. Shocked Um monte de diversão.
I'll make my cacti under the roof and start "Picture Show".
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Number of posts : 177
Age : 28
Location : Hamburg, Germany
Registration date : 2016-08-19

Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything.   Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything. Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2016 8:14 pm

Hello Vladimir, Welcome!
I am new too. Smile
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything.   Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything. Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2016 10:11 pm

Jonathan, hello!
Thanks for the invitation.
I would like to be the third in a greenhouse on your avatar.
But "The Scarlet Flower" I was not raised. Alas.
Vladimir.Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything. M_wagn10
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Number of posts : 177
Age : 28
Location : Hamburg, Germany
Registration date : 2016-08-19

Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything.   Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything. Icon_minitimeWed Oct 12, 2016 7:54 pm

Yes, thats a beautiful collection, but its not mine. This collection belongs to Wolfgang Plein, you might have heard of him. Thats a wagneriana isnt it? Nice spination and flowers!
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything.   Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything. Icon_minitimeWed Oct 12, 2016 9:59 pm

Jonathan, hello!
Yes Yes Yes. Well, if the collection is located in a neighboring yard !? Very comfortably. I would like to mention Wolfgang Plein in the previous report, but was not sure. It has long been interested in the success of such people (I will not list all the idols that someone does not hurt) .On photo M. wagneriana L 1529. Thank you for your praise, but she is still young -. More over it to work and work. A little bit I have it beefy. Generous watering.

M. wohlschlageri SB 1965 Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything. M_wohl10
PS. half a day pounding rain and wind. gusty. strong.
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Number of posts : 599
Age : 62
Location : Voznesensk, southern Ukraine
Registration date : 2016-10-04

Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything.   Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything. Icon_minitimeFri Oct 14, 2016 8:08 am

Another method of growing MAMM. Almost like in nature. Recently I seated as much huddling together. Checking cactus-folk wisdom - more pot, larger stones. I had to crumble all domestic stocks "rocks". Vladimir.
M. boc. multilanataWait and see. Mammillaria is everything. M_boc_10

M. guelzowiana SB465 Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything. M_guel10
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Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything.   Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything. Icon_minitime

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Wait and see. Mammillaria is everything.
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