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 Some of my mammillarias

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Some of my mammillarias Empty
PostSubject: Some of my mammillarias   Some of my mammillarias Icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2015 3:59 pm

These are just four of my favorites. If anyone sees a problem with a name please let me know.

M. hahnianaSome of my mammillarias Img_3711

M. backebergianaSome of my mammillarias Img_2811

M. zellmannianaSome of my mammillarias Img_2910

M. dixanthocentron flavicentraSome of my mammillarias Img_3712
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Number of posts : 345
Age : 78
Location : Sutton, Surrey.
Registration date : 2011-06-05

Some of my mammillarias Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some of my mammillarias   Some of my mammillarias Icon_minitimeFri Feb 20, 2015 9:10 pm

Hi Bob S,
Good plants and good names, except for the last one. Not flavicentra, which would have golden yellow
central spines and the flower would be a deeper pink, almost red in fact. As to it being m. dixanthocentron I have my doubts too, as I would expect the lower central spines to have some curvature. Your plant's centrals appear straight. It could be a more northerly form which tend to have shorter centrals and don't always develop a curved central. Also there appears to be only 10/12 radials on your plant, m. dixanthocentron usually has 19/20. Unless you have a collectors field number for it, which states your plants name or allows you to look it up to confirm it, it's probably a trade hybrid or at best m. supertexta form.
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Some of my mammillarias Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some of my mammillarias   Some of my mammillarias Icon_minitimeSat Feb 21, 2015 12:59 pm

Hi delandmo

Thanks for your confirmation on the three plants. The flavicentra has been bothering me also. I got the plant from Mesa garden with the collection #L680 teotitlan-Huautla. The L standing for A. Lau. The plant doesn't look like most pictures of the form in question. Maybe I will give Mesa Garden a call and get a better understanding of what the plant should look like. I did purchase two other M. dixanthocentron types from them and they are very much like what I expected. I know seeds can get mislabeled and that could be the case here. I would like to make another order from them as soon as the weather warms up. That would give me a good excuse to ask about the plant.

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Number of posts : 345
Age : 78
Location : Sutton, Surrey.
Registration date : 2011-06-05

Some of my mammillarias Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some of my mammillarias   Some of my mammillarias Icon_minitimeSat Feb 21, 2015 5:03 pm

Hi Bob,
Yes, if you email Steven Brack @ Messa Gdns.with a photo I'm sure he will eventually respond. As he has done in the past for me with a query. L680 would indeed be for m. flavicentra. Will be interested in the outcome. Incidentally, I just noticed your plant of m. zeilmanniana has a typo, you have two ll's instead of il.

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PostSubject: Re: Some of my mammillarias   Some of my mammillarias Icon_minitimeSat Feb 21, 2015 9:11 pm

Hi Derek

I have talked to Steven and his wife a couple of times and they are very helpful and very busy. They have quite the place to take care of. When my fingers get going you never know what will happen on the computer.

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PostSubject: Re: Some of my mammillarias   Some of my mammillarias Icon_minitime

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