No.46 Mammillaria kuentziana
Original reference;-"P. & B. Fearn, The National Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol„18s p.33, 1963.
Body;- Densely caespitose, with many heads, individual heads clavate, to 3 thick and over 6 cm. high.
Tubercles set in 5 and 8 spirals, soft in texture, pale green in colour, conical cylindrical, not angled, to 1 cm. high, 0.7 cm. broad and 0.7 cm. thick, with watery sap.
Axils naked.
Areoles round .to oval with short white felt when young but later naked.
Spines:- Central spines four on the larger heads, arranged in cruciform fashion, " but only two on young offsets, dorsi-ventral, all straight, fine acicular, stiff, all finely pubescent, the upper one to 8 mm. in length, the lower one to 10 mm,:, laterals to 7 mm., all re'ddish-brown at first, later white below with smaller yellowish ba'se, in age turning dark red brown, lower central porrect, the other three spreading. Radial spines 18-20 but less on the young offsets , 4-8 mm. long, laterals the longest and the upper
ones the shortest, all fine acicular, straight pubescent, white later chalky-white slightly ascending.
Flower:- Small, funnel-form, to about 10 mm, broad. Outer perianths greenish below
pale cream margins, pale reddish mid-stripe, margins entire. Inner perianth segments linear lanceolate, about 0-3 dm. wide, white with an occasional narrow rose mid-stripe, margins entire.
Fruit;- Green to reddish, slender clavate, dried perianth persisting.
Seeds:- Globose, black, pitted, 1.5 mm. long, 1 mm. broad and 0.5 mm. thick.
From the Journal of the Mammillaria Society: Vol VII N.1 - February 1967
Mammillaria kuentziana ROG 579
REG 579 - Towards El Torro, Guanajuato, Mexico
From "Ento" Ennio Toso collection - Savona
Mammillaria kuentziana ROG 579
REG 579 - Towards El Torro, Guanajuato, Mexico
From "Ento" Ennio Toso collection - Savona