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 Seed swapping

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Number of posts : 540
Age : 60
Location : Lisbon, Portugal
Registration date : 2010-05-25

Seed swapping Empty
PostSubject: Seed swapping   Seed swapping Icon_minitimeTue Oct 01, 2013 11:31 am

I apologize to the moderators if there's a place more appropriate for this post: let me know and I will delete it ASAP.

This is that time of the year when you pick up all the seed you collected during the growing season and start planning next year's campaign. I have, as I'm sure most of you, a lot of seed I'm not planning to sow, as well as a few species I would REALLY like to try. That said, if anyone has seed of

Mammillaria crucigera
Mammillaria morganiana
Mammillaria perbella
Mammillaria deherdtiana (and its subspecies)
Mammillaria saboae (and its subspecies)
Mammillaria theresae

(preferably of known origin)

and is willing to part with it, I would gladly swap for other, possibly not-so-glamorous Mammillaria species, Turbinicarpus or Mediolobivia.
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PostSubject: Re: Seed swapping   Seed swapping Icon_minitimeMon Dec 30, 2013 11:45 am

I just sent you a PM. Wink
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