Mammillaria kraehenbuehlii (Krainz) D.R. Hunt, comb. nov.
Pseudomammillaria kraehenbuehlii Krainz in Kakt. u.a. Sukk. 22 (10:Gesellshaftsnachrichten (Beilage zu K.u.a.S.), sine pag.1971
Mammillaria kraehenbuehlii (Krainz) Krainz, comb. nov.,(sine rel.nom.) in Kakt. u.a. Sukk.22:93. 1971
M.alpina Hort., non Mart. in Salm-Dyck, Cact.Hort. Dyck. 1849:79. 1850
After describing this interesting plant, which had been provisionally named "M. alpina" Krainz soon had second thought about its position when he had examined the seed.
Unfortunately the transfer to Mammillaria was not properly made, as he obmitted the reference to the basionym and its place of publication. Conseguently it is necessary to remake the combination
From journal of the U.K. Mammillaria society vol.XVI n.5 - oct. 1976 - pag.58
Labelled M.alpina (kraehenbuehlii)
A plant c/a 25 years old from Panarotto greenhouse - Verona