Maurillio's plant looks rather different to your plants SnowFella. I don't know what your plants are, I'm afraid, but have some comments for you and others to debate, perhaps.
It is unusual for a plant of this kind (Stylothelae, Crinita group) to have multiple hooked central spines, though this Group is where it seems to me that your plants must fit best. The other possible hooked spine contenders with yellow flowers would be zacatecasensis, moelleriana, jaliscana, sinistrohamata or at a pinch rettigiana. It doesn't look like any of these to me, and the only species whose formal description allows multiple hooked spines in moelleriana!
So I come back to an unusual form of one of the crinita group. M. fuscohamata, as you have found, is a difficult name, and seems ot be applied to plants of the Crinita group and also of a form of M. jaliscana.
But I am not really sure what name to apply to your plants. Did the nursery where you got the 2nd plant tel you where they got the seed, and was there any original location data available with it?
Chris43, moderator