Mammillaria thornberi ssp. yaquensis in habitat.......
Mammillaria thornberi ssp. yaquensis WTH 1251
WTH 1251 - Under busches, South of MEX15, east of Guasimas turnoff - Sonora - Mexico
Photograph in habitat by Wolter ten Hoeve - Assen - The Netherlands
Photograph in habitat by Wolter ten Hoeve - Assen - The Netherlands
Photograph in habitat by Wolter ten Hoeve - Assen - The Netherlands
Photograph in habitat by Wolter ten Hoeve - Assen - The Netherlands
Photograph in habitat by Wolter ten Hoeve - Assen - The Netherlands
Photograph in habitat by Wolter ten Hoeve - Assen - The Netherlands
Photograph in habitat by Wolter ten Hoeve - Assen - The Netherlands