M. phaeacantha Lemaire, Cact. Gen- Nov. Sp., 47- 1839
A dubious species, incompletely described as allied to M. discolor, with 4 black centrals, 10-14 mm. long, 20 white radials, 4-5 mm. long, and
long bristles in the axils. Craig's illustration (fig. 215) is of a plant of the M. obconella - M. durispina complex and is not authentic. Ehrenberg
(Beitrag, 346. 1846) claims to have collected M. phaeacantha near Regla, on sandstone, at 6500 ft., and near San Toro cm porphyry at 6000 ft., both localities in Hidalgo, which accords with the view that the plant was of the affinity of M. rhodantha or M. discolor
From "The Journal of the Mammillaria Society" Vol.XIII n.4 - August 1973
Mammillaria phaeacantha FO 58
FO 58 - Ixquilpan - Hidalgo - Mexico
Mammillaria phaeacantha FO 58
FO 58 - Ixquilpan - Hidalgo - Mexico
from "Ento" Ennio Toso collection - Savona