Mammillaria neobertrandiana
No. 10. Mammillaria neobertrandiana
Original reference:- C. Backeberg. Cactus, Volume 33, page 82, 1952.
Body: Simple at first, but becoming proliferous, each stem reaching 6 cm. in length and 4 cm. in diameter, deep olive green. Tubercles in
13 and 21 spirals, with watery sap, conical, about 3 mm. long.
Axils naked. Areoles elongated to about 1.5 mm., appearing yellowish because of the colour of the base of the spines.
Spines: about 36, the centrals hardly distinguishable from the radials, rosy white at first, becoming glassy white, very thin, flexible, not sharp,
1 - 5 mm. long, more or less adpressed, spreading.
Flowers: White, very small, hardly showing above the tubercles. Outer perianth segments show a brown midstripe.
Fruit and Seed: No data given. -
Type Locality: Mexico, precise origin unknown.
Notes: Some workers would maintain that so imcomplete a description ought not to be published. However, it is a fairly distinct species,
resembling M. magallani only. This latter is never, proliferous in habit and does not have central spines. It should not be confused with M.
bertrandiana, a more common, but as yet undescribed species. Backeberg notes that the plant from which he gave his description was received from Schmoll in a consignment of Epithelanths with which it was doubtless confused.
It is named after Monsieur A. Bertrand, Founder President of the French Cactus Society. This species has a special characteristic in common
with M. oliviae in that the juvenile form does not have true central spines, but only pseudo-centrals from their positions on the areoles. They
are not in evidence on the first stem, but on the offsets a single distinct central spine appears, about 6 mm. long, and glassy white.
Mammillaria neobertrandiana
From "Ento" Ennio Toso collection - Savona
Referred to Mammillaria magallanii
Mammillaria neobertrandiana
Referred to Mammillaria magallanii
Mammillaria neobertrandiana
Referred to Mammillaria magallanii