M. brauneana Baedeker in Kakteenkunde 1 ; 113, with f i g . , 1933
Simple, globose? (sap watery); axils with wool and b r i s t l e s .
Central spines 2-4,' 5-7mm- long, reddish or horn-coloured; Radial spines 25-30, up to 5mm. long, very thin (setaceous).
Flowers up to 13mm,. broad, red - violet . Fruit not described?; seed dark brown.
Mexico: Tamaulipas, near Jaumave, 1930, Viereck.
Sent to Boedeker by Viereck in 1931 and by Ritter and by Georgi in 1932.
The type was probably not preserved.
From "The Journal of the Mammillaria Society" Vol.VIII n.2 - April 1968
Mammillaria brauneana
Collezione "Ento" Ennio Toso - Savona